Package 'tsoutliers'

Title: Detection of Outliers in Time Series
Description: Detection of outliers in time series following the Chen and Liu (1993) <DOI:10.2307/2290724> procedure. Innovational outliers, additive outliers, level shifts, temporary changes and seasonal level shifts are considered.
Authors: Javier López-de-Lacalle <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Javier López-de-Lacalle <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.6-10
Built: 2025-03-08 06:43:42 UTC

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Automatic Detection of Outliers in Time Series


This package implements a procedure based on the approach described in Chen and Liu (1993) for automatic detection of outliers in time series. Innovational outliers, additive outliers, level shifts, temporary changes and seasonal level shifts are considered.


Time series data often undergo sudden changes that alter the dynamics of the data transitory or permanently. These changes are typically non systematic and cannot be captured by standard time series models. That's why they are known as exogenous or outlier effects. Detecting outliers is important because they have an impact on the selection of the model, the estimation of parameters and, consequently, on forecasts.

Following the approach described in Chen & Liu (1993), an automatic procedure for detection of outliers in time series is implemented in the package tsoutliers. The procedure may in turn be run along with the automatic ARIMA model selection strategy available in the package forecast.

The function tso is the main interface for the automatic procedure. The functions locate.outliers.oloop and remove.outliers implement respectively the first and second stages of the procedure. In practice, the user may stick to use the function tso.

Although the purpose of the package is to provide an automatic procedure, the implementation allows the user to do a manual inspection of each step of the procedure. Thus, the package is also useful to track the behaviour of the procedure and come up with ideas for possible improvements or enhancements.

The functions locate.outliers.oloop and remove.outliers implement the major steps of the procedure. tso is the main interface to the automatic procedure. All the options at any stage of the procedure can be defined through the arguments passed to tso. Despite the user may stick to use the function tso, other functions called by this main interface are exported in the namespace of the package. They are helpful for debugging and allow the interested user to more easily track each step of the procedure.

Information supplemental to these help pages is given in the document that is provided with the package (‘tsoutliers/inst/doc/tsoutliers.pdf’ in the source files).


Javier López-de-Lacalle [email protected]


Chen, C. and Liu, Lon-Mu (1993). ‘Joint Estimation of Model Parameters and Outlier Effects in Time Series’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(421), pp. 284-297. doi:10.2307/2290724

Gómez, V. and Maravall, A. (1996). Programs TRAMO and SEATS. Instructions for the user. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9628.

Gómez, V. and Taguas, D. (1995). Detección y Corrección Automática de Outliers con TRAMO: Una Aplicación al IPC de Bienes Industriales no Energéticos. Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda. Document number D-95006.

Hyndman, R.J. and Khandakar, Y. (2008). ‘Automatic Time Series Forecasting: The forecast Package for R’. Journal of Statistical Software, 27(3), pp. 1-22.

Hyndman, R.J. with contributions from George Athanasopoulos, Slava Razbash, Drew Schmidt, Zhenyu Zhou, Yousaf Khan, Christoph Bergmeir and Earo Wang (2014). ‘forecast: Forecasting functions for time series and linear models’. R package version 5.4.

Data Set: Working Paper ‘bde9915’


Data set employed for illustration in the working paper referenced below.




A list containing the following monthly series:

  • gipi: Italian industrial production index (1981:1-1996:12);

  • euprin: European price index of industrial production (1981:1-1993:1) (*);

  • metipi: Spanish production index of metal products (1980:1-1997:7).

(*) 1993:12 is reported in the reference document.


The authors of the reference working paper probably use additional variables such as holidays to obtain the results reported in the document.


Kaiser, R., and Maravall, A. (1999). Seasonal Outliers in Time Series. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9915.

Calendar Effects


This function creates regressor variables for trading day, Easter and leap year effects over the sample period where the input time series is sampled.


calendar.effects(x, = TRUE, easter = 6, 
  leap.year = FALSE, holidays = NULL, = FALSE)



a monthly time series.

logical. If TRUE, trading day regressor variable is returned.


numeric. The number of days before Easter over which the Easter effect spans. If it is set to zero Easter variable is not returned.


logical. If TRUE, leap year regressor variable is returned.


an optional numeric vector of the same length as x containing the number of holidays for each time period.

logical indicating whether the date of Easter should be returned.


Let wdwd be the number of working days in a given month and nwdnwd the number of non-working days. The trading day variable at time tt is built as follows:

wd=wdholidayswd = wd - holidays

nwd=nwd+holidaysnwd = nwd + holidays

tdt=wd(5/2)×nwdtd_t = wd - (5/2) \times nwd

By default, working days are the days from Monday to Friday and non-working days are Saturdays and Sundays. If there are additional non-working days they can be defined in argument holidays. For example, if the 1st of February is a local holiday, the user can define a variable containing zeros for all periods except for the periods related to February where the 1st of February falls within a working day (Monday to Friday); these data are set to one so that they are considered as non working days.

Easter effect is defined as the proportion of days before Easter (by default easter = 6) that lie in March and April, respectively for each month. It contains zeros for the remaining months.

The leap year is a vector of zeros for all months except February, where the variable takes on the value 0.750.75 if the year is a leap year and 0.25-0.25 otherwise.


A mts matrix containing the selected calendar effects by columns.

If is TRUE a list is returned containing the mts matrix of calendar effects as well as the dates of Easter for each year of the sample.


# display calendar effects for a sample span period
# no data are actually necessary in the input series 
# since calendar effects are concerned only with the dates
# at which the data are sampled
x <- ts(frequency = 12, start = c(1980, 1), end = c(2000, 12))
ce <- calendar.effects(x, leap.year = TRUE)
plot(ce, main = "calendar effects")
# Easter days for each year
calendar.effects(x, = TRUE)$easter

Product of the Polynomials in an ARIMA Model


This function collapses the polynomials of an ARIMA model into two polynomials: the product of the autoregressive polynomials and the product of the moving average polynomials.


coefs2poly(x, add = TRUE)



an object of class Arima, as returned by arima.


logical. If TRUE, the polynomial of the differencing filter (if present in the model) is multiplied by the stationary autoregressive polynomial. Otherwise only the coefficients of the product of the stationary polynomials is returned.


A list containing the elements: arcoefs, the coefficients of the product of the autoregressive polynomials; macoefs, the coefficients of the product of the moving average polynomials. This list is of class "ArimaPars" so that it can be recognized by outliers.tstatistics.


# ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1) model
fit <- arima(log(AirPassengers), order = c(0,1,1), 
  seasonal = list(order = c(0,1,1)))
coefs <- coef(fit)

# "coefs2poly" returns the coefficients of the product of 
# the non-seasonal and the seasonal moving average polynomials
a1 <- convolve(c(1, coefs[1]), rev(c(1, rep(0, 11), coefs[2])), type="open")[-1]
a2 <- coefs2poly(fit)$macoefs
all.equal(a1, a2, check.names=FALSE)

# since the model does not contain an autoregressive part
# the product of the regular and the seasonal differencing 
# filter is returned if "add = TRUE"
# an empty set is returned if "add = FALSE"
coefs2poly(fit, add = FALSE)$arcoefs

# in a model with non-seasonal part and no differencing filter 
# no multiplication of polynomials are involved and 
# the coefficients are the same as those returned by "coef"
fit <- arima(log(AirPassengers), order = c(1,0,1))

Stage II of the Procedure: Discard Outliers


This functions tests for the significance of a given set of outliers in a time series model that is fitted including the outliers as regressor variables.


discard.outliers(x, y, cval = NULL, 
  method = c("en-masse", "bottom-up"), 
  delta = 0.7, = NULL, 
  fdiff = NULL, logfile = NULL, check.rank = FALSE)



a list. The output returned by locate.outliers.oloop.


a time series.


a numeric. The critical value to determine the significance of each type of outlier.


a character. The method to discard/remove outliers. See details.


a numeric. Parameter of the temporary change type of outlier.

an optional call object. The call to the function used to fit the time series model.


currently ignored.


a character or NULL. It is the path to the file where tracking information is printed. Ignored if NULL.


logical. If TRUE, variables generating perfect multicollinearity are removed (tentative implementation).


In the regressions involved in this function, the variables included as regressors stand for the effects of the outliers on the data. These variables are the output returned by outliers.effects not by outliers.regressors, which returns the regressors used in the auxiliar regression where outliers are located (see second equation defined in locate.outliers).

The outliers are defined in input x. If there are regressor variables in$xreg they are considered as other regressor variables that are included in the regression to test for the significance of outliers.

Given a set of potential outliers detected by locate.outliers and locate.outliers.oloop, three methods are considered in order to determine which outliers are not significant after refitting the model (including all the potential outliers):

  • "en-masse": The complete set of outliers is included as regressor variables and the model is fitted again. Those outliers that turn out to be not significant for the critical value cval are discarded/removed. The procedure is iterated until all the outliers are significant in the final set of outliers.

  • "bottom-up": First the, the outlier with larger tt-statistic is included in the model. If it is significant the presence of the outlier is confirmed. Otherwise it is discarded. Then, the next outlier with larger tt-statistic is included along with the first outlier and tested for significance. If after including a new outlier, e.g. the ii-th outlier, the outliers that have been confirmed so far significant become not significant, then the ii-th outlier is discarded regardless of the value of its tt-statistic.

The option "en-masse" may be preferred to "bottom-up" when there are are several outliers, since it may be hard to fit an ARIMA model with many regressor variables.


A list containing the following elements: xreg, the variables used as regressors; xregcoefs, the coefficients of the outlier regressors; xregtstats, the tt-statistics of the outlier regressors;; iter, the number of iterations used by method "en-masse"; fit, the fitted model; outliers, the set of outliers after removing those that were not significant.


Chen, C. and Liu, Lon-Mu (1993). ‘Joint Estimation of Model Parameters and Outlier Effects in Time Series’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(421), pp. 284-297.

Gómez, V. and Maravall, A. (1996). Programs TRAMO and SEATS. Instructions for the user. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9628.

See Also

locate.outliers, tso.


## Not run: 
y <- log(hicp[["011600"]])
fit <- arima(y, order = c(1, 1, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(2, 0, 2)))
# initial set of outliers
res <- locate.outliers.oloop(y, fit, types = c("AO", "LS", "TC"))
# given the model fitted above, the effect on the data of some of 
# the outliers is not significant (method = "en-masse")
discard.outliers(res, y, method = "en-masse", = fit$call)$outliers
# in this case, using method = "bottom-up" the first four 
# outliers with higher t-statistic are kept
discard.outliers(res, y, method = "bottom-up", = fit$call)$outliers

## End(Not run)

Find outliers at consecutive time points


Find outliers at consecutive time points and discard those with lower tt-statistic in absolute value.


find.consecutive.outliers(x, type)



a data frame containing the type, index and tt-statistic related to each outlier, named respectively by columns: type, ind and tstat



a character, the type of outlier to be checked for runs at consecutive points.


In the procedure, this function is applied by type of outliers, e.g., two or more consecutive LS are reduced to one LS. It is still possible to get two or more consecutive outliers of different type at consecutive time points. Alternatively consecutive outliers of any type could be reduced to a single outlier, For the time being, this is kept in this way so that for example, the following sequence AO1, LS2, LS3,LS4 can collapse to AO-1,LS-4, i.e., the AO is kept.


The row names of input x pointing to the outliers to be discarded, i.e., outliers with lower significance than adjacent outliers of the same type.


This function is intended for internal use; no check is done for correctness of the arguments passed as input.

Data Set: Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices


Harmonised indices of consumer prices in the Euro area.




A list containing the following monthly indices (2005=100).

Key Description Start
ICP.M.U2.N.000000.4.INX Overall index 1990:1
ICP.M.U2.N.010000.4.INX Food and non-alcoholic beverages 1990:1
ICP.M.U2.N.011000.4.INX Food 1995:1
ICP.M.U2.N.011200.4.INX Meat 1995:1
ICP.M.U2.N.011300.4.INX Fish 1995:1
ICP.M.U2.N.011600.4.INX Fruit 1995:1
ICP.M.U2.N.011700.4.INX Vegetables 1995:1
ICP.M.U2.N.FOODPR.4.INX Processed food incl. alcohol and tobacco 1990:1
ICP.M.U2.N.FOODUN.4.INX Unprocessed food 1990:1
ICP.M.U2.N.IGXE00.4.INX Industrial goods excluding energy 1990:1
ICP.M.U2.N.NRGY00.4.INX Energy 1990:1
ICP.M.U2.N.SERV00.4.INX Services 1990:1

All the series end in December 2013.


European Central Bank. Statistical Data Warehouse.

Data Set: Industrial Production Indices


Industrial production indices in the manufacturing sector of European Monetary Union countries.




A list containing monthly indices (2010=100) for the following countries.

Country Start Country Start
Belgium 2000:1 Luxembourg 2000:1
Germany 1999:1 Malta 2000:1
Estonia 1999:1 Netherlands 1999:1
Greece 2000:1 Austria 1999:1
Spain 1999:1 Portugal 1999:1
France 1999:1 Slovenia 1999:1
Italy 1999:1 Slovakia 2000:1
Cyprus 2000:1 Finland 1999:1
Latvia 2000:1

All the series end in December 2013.


Data base key: “sts_inpr_m”, monthly short-term business statistics. Production in industry.

Gross data for Ireland is not available in Eurosta's data base, only seasonally or working day adjusted data are available for this country.


EUROSTAT. Statistical Office of the European Communities.

Jarque-Bera Test for Normality


This function applies the test for normality proposed in Jarque and Bera (1980).


JarqueBera.test(x, fc = 3.5, ...)



a time series of residuals or an object of class Arima.


a numeric. Factor to asses whether the first residual observations are to be omitted. Ignored if x is not an Arima object. See details.


further arguments. Currently omitted.


This function is based on function jarque.bera.test available in package tseries. Here, the results are split in a test for the null hypothesis that the skewness is 00, the null that the kurtosis is 33 and the overall Jarque-Bera test.

The input can be a time series of residuals, jarque.bera.test.default, or an Arima object, jarque.bera.test.Arima from which the residuals are extracted. In the former case the whole input series of residuals is used. In the latter case, the first n0n0 (defined below) residuals are omitted if they are are equal to zero or if any of them are in absolute value larger than fc times the standard deviation of the remaining residuals. n0n0 is set equal to x$arma[6] + x$arma[5] * x$arma[7], i.e. the number of regular differences times the periodicity of the data times the number of seasonal differences. If n0n0 happens to be equal to 11 it is set to 22.

If the latter trimming operation is not desired, the argument fc can be set to a high value to ensure the complete series of residuals in considered; or the function can be called as jarque.bera.test(residuals(x)).

Missing observations are omitted.


A list containing one htest object for the null hypothesis that the kurtosis is 33, the skewness is 00 and a test combining both the kurtosis and the skewness to test for the normality of the input data.


Jarque, C. M. and Bera, A. K. (1980). ‘Efficient test for normality, homoscedasticity and serial independence of residuals’. Economic Letters, 6(3), pp. 255-259.

See Also



# fit an ARIMA model to the HICP 011600 series
# ARIMA(0,1,0)(2,0,1) was chosen by forecast::auto.arima(ic = "bic")
# normality of the residuals is rejected at the 5% significance level
# due to an excess of kurtosis
y <- log(hicp[["011600"]])
fit1 <- arima(y, order = c(0, 1, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(2, 0, 1)))

# fit ARIMA model for the same series including outliers that were
# detected by "tso" and for the model chosen by "auto.arima"
# normality of the residuals is not rejected at the 5% significance level
# after including the presence of outliers
mo <- outliers(c("AO", "AO", "LS", "LS"), c(79, 210, 85, 225))
xreg <- outliers.effects(mo, length(y))
fit2 <- arima(y, order = c(1, 1, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(2, 0, 2)), 
  xreg = xreg)

Stage I of the Procedure: Locate Outliers (Baseline Function)


This function applies the tt-statistics for the significance of outliers at every time point and selects those that are significant given a critical value.


locate.outliers(resid, pars, cval = 3.5, types = c("AO", "LS", "TC"), delta = 0.7)



a time series. Residuals from a time series model fitted to the data.


a list containing the parameters of the model fitted to the data. See details below.


a numeric. The critical value to determine the significance of each type of outlier.


a character vector indicating the types of outliers to be considered.


a numeric. Parameter of the temporary change type of outlier.


Five types of outliers can be considered. By default: "AO" additive outliers, "LS" level shifts, and "TC" temporary changes are selected; "IO" innovative outliers and "SLS" seasonal level shifts can also be selected.

The approach described in Chen & Liu (1993) is followed to locate outliers. The original framework is based on ARIMA time series models. The extension to structural time series models is currently experimental.

Let us define an ARIMA model for the series yty_t^* subject to mm outliers defined as Lj(B)L_j(B) with weights ww:

yt=j=1mωjLj(B)It(tj)+θ(B)ϕ(B)α(B)at,y_t^* = \sum_{j=1}^m \omega_j L_j(B) I_t(t_j) + \frac{\theta(B)}{\phi(B) \alpha(B)} a_t \,,

where It(tj)I_t(t_j) is an indicator variable containing the value 11 at observation tjt_j where the jj-th outlier arises; ϕ(B)\phi(B) is an autoregressive polynomial with all roots outside the unit circle; θ(B)\theta(B) is a moving average polynomial with all roots outside the unit circle; and α(B)\alpha(B) is an autoregressive polynomial with all roots on the unit circle.

The presence of outliers is tested by means of tt-statistics applied on the following regression equation:

π(B)yte^t=j=1mωjπ(B)Lj(B)It(tj)+at.\pi(B) y_t^* \equiv \hat{e}_t = \sum_{j=1}^m \omega_j \pi(B) L_j(B) I_t(t_j) + a_t \,.

where π(B)=i=0πiBi\pi(B) = \sum_{i=0}^\infty \pi_i B^i. The regressors of the above equation are created by the functions outliers.regressors.arima and the remaining functions described here.

The function locate.outliers computes all the tt-statistics for each type of outlier and for every time point. See outliers.tstatistics. Then, the cases where the corresponding tt-statistic are (in absolute value) below the threshold cval are removed. Thus, a potential set of outliers is obtained.

Some polishing rules are applied by locate.outliers:

  • If level shifts are found at consecutive time points, only then point with higher tt-statistic in absolute value is kept.

  • If more than one type of outlier exceed the threshold cval at a given time point, the type of outlier with higher tt-statistic in absolute value is kept and the others are removed.

The argument pars is a list containing the parameters of the model. In the framework of ARIMA models, the coefficients of the ARIMA must be defined in pars as the product of the autoregressive non-seasonal and seasonal polynomials (if any) and the differencing filter (if any). The function coefs2poly can be used to define the argument pars.


A data frame defining by rows the potential set of outliers. The type of outlier, the observation, the coefficient and the tt-statistic are given by columns respectively for each outlier.


The default critical value, cval, is set equal to 3.53.5 and, hence, it is not based on the sample size as in functions tso or locate.outliers.oloop.

Currently the innovational outlier "SLS" is not available if pars is related to a structural time series model.


Chen, C. and Liu, Lon-Mu (1993). ‘Joint Estimation of Model Parameters and Outlier Effects in Time Series’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(421), pp. 284-297.

Gómez, V. and Maravall, A. (1996). Programs TRAMO and SEATS. Instructions for the user. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9628.

Gómez, V. and Taguas, D. (1995). Detección y Corrección Automática de Outliers con TRAMO: Una Aplicación al IPC de Bienes Industriales no Energéticos. Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda. Document number D-95006.

Kaiser, R., and Maravall, A. (1999). Seasonal Outliers in Time Series. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9915.

See Also

locate.outliers.oloop, locate.outliers.iloop, outliers.tstatistics, tso.


y <- log(hicp[["011600"]])
fit <- arima(y, order = c(1, 1, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(2, 0, 2)))
resid <- residuals(fit)
pars <- coefs2poly(fit)
outliers <- locate.outliers(resid, pars)

Stage I of the Procedure: Locate Outliers (Loop Around Functions)


These functions implement the inner and outer loops based of the procedure to locate outliers following the approach described in Chen and Liu (1993) .


locate.outliers.oloop(y, fit, types = c("AO", "LS", "TC"), 
  cval = NULL, maxit.iloop = 4, maxit.oloop = 4, 
  delta = 0.7, logfile = NULL)
locate.outliers.iloop(resid, pars, cval = 3.5, 
  types = c("AO", "LS", "TC"), maxit = 4, delta = 0.7, logfile = NULL)



a time series.


an Arima object. The output from arima or auto.arima



a time series. Residuals from a time series model fitted to the data.


a list containing the parameters of the model fitted to the data. See details in locate.outliers.


a numeric. The critical value to determine the significance of each type of outlier.


a character vector indicating the type of outlier to be considered by the detection procedure among the following: innovational outliers ("IO"), additive outliers ("AO"), level shifts ("LS"), temporary changes ("TC") and seasonal level shifts ("SLS").


a numeric. The maximum number of iterations in the inner loop.


a numeric. Same as argument as maxit to be passed to locate.outliers.iloop.


a numeric. The maximum number of iterations in the outer loop.


a numeric. Parameter of the temporary change type of outlier.


a character or NULL. It is the path to the file where tracking information is printed. Ignored if NULL.


See also the details section in locate.outliers.

The function locate.outliers.iloop iterates around the function locate.outliers until no additional outliers are found or the maximum number of iterations is reached. After each iteration, the effect of the outliers on the residuals of the fitted model is removed and the tt-statistics are obtained again for the modified residuals. No model selection or refit of the model is conducted within this loop.

The function locate.outliers.oloop is the outer loop of the procedure to locate outliers. It iterates around the function locate.outliers.iloop. At the end of each iteration the detected outliers are removed from the original data. Then, the time series model is fitted (or selected) again for the adjusted series and a new search for outliers is executed. The outer loop stops when no additional outliers are detected.

In function locate.outliers.oloop, if no value is specified for argument cval a default value based on the sample size is used. Let nn be the number of observations. If n50n \le 50 then cval is set equal to 3.03.0; If n450n \ge 450 then cval is set equal to 4.04.0; otherwise cval is set equal to 3+0.0025(n50)3 + 0.0025 * (n - 50).


locate.outliers.iloop returns a data frame defining by rows each detected outlier. The data frame follows the same format as the output from locate.outliers.

locate.outliers.oloop returns a list containing the following elements: fit: information from the last fitted model that will be required by other functions in the automatic procedure (parameter estimates, residuals and number of observations); outliers: a data frame defining by rows the detected outliers; iter: the number of iterations employed by the outer loop.


In locate.outliers.iloop the default critical value, cval, is set equal to 3.53.5 and, hence, it is not based on the sample size. locate.outliers.oloop uses a default critical value based on the sampel size as in tso.


Chen, C. and Liu, Lon-Mu (1993). ‘Joint Estimation of Model Parameters and Outlier Effects in Time Series’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(421), pp. 284-297.

Gómez, V. and Maravall, A. (1996). Programs TRAMO and SEATS. Instructions for the user. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9628.

Gómez, V. and Taguas, D. (1995). Detección y Corrección Automática de Outliers con TRAMO: Una Aplicación al IPC de Bienes Industriales no Energéticos. Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda. Document number D-95006.

Kaiser, R., and Maravall, A. (1999). Seasonal Outliers in Time Series. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9915.

See Also

outliers.tstatistics, tso.


# additional outliers may be detected in the inner or outlier loops
# in this case, the inner does not find further potential outliers 
# and stops in the first iteration, while the outer loop detects 
# a new outlier
y <- log(hicp[["011600"]])
fit <- arima(y, order = c(1, 1, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(2, 0, 2)))
resid <- residuals(fit)
pars <- coefs2poly(fit)
otypes <- c("AO", "LS", "TC")
mo0 <- locate.outliers(resid, pars, types = otypes)
mo1 <- locate.outliers.iloop(resid, pars, types = otypes)
mo2 <- locate.outliers.oloop(y, fit, types = otypes)

Define Outliers in a Data Frame


This function is an interface to create a data frame defining the type, observation and weight of outliers. The output is properly designed to be used as input to other functions such as outliers.effects and outliers.regressors.


outliers(type, ind, weight = NULL)



a character vector. The types of outliers ("IO", "AO", "LS", "TC", "SLS").


a numeric vector. The observations at which each outlier takes effect.


an optional numeric vector. The weights of the outliers. If NULL the weights are set equal to one.


A data frame.


outliers(c("AO", "LS"), c(10, 20))
outliers(c("AO", "LS"), c(10, 20), c(2.1, 3.2))

Create the Pattern of Different Types of Outliers


These functions create a unit or weighted impulse for the five types of outliers considered in the package.


outliers.effects(mo, n, weights = FALSE, delta = 0.7, 
  pars = NULL, freq = 12)



a data frame defining the type, location and weight of the outliers to be created.


a numeric. The length of the variable that will contain the outlier.


logical. If TRUE, the outliers are weighted by the values in column "coefhat" of the data frame mo. Otherwise, unit weights are considered.


a numeric. Parameter of the temporary change type of outlier.


a list containing the parameters of the time series model fitted to the data. Only for innovational outlier. See the details section in locate.outliers.


a numeric. The periodicity of the data. Only for seasonal level shift.


These functions delineate the effect of each type of outlier on the observed data. See the example below for a representation of the outliers.

The function outliers.effects operates directly on the output returned by time. The remaining functions are called by outliers.effects and can be used as a simpler interface to define some outliers. They generate the type of outliers indicated by their names.

The column names of the data frame mo must follow the same convention as the output returned by locate.outliers: the column containing the observation at which the outlier sparks is named "ind"; the column containing the weights is named "coefhat" and the type of outlier is specified in a column named "type". The column "ind" should contain the index time point, not the time point in terms of year and season as given by time.


A n ×\times nrow(mo) or n ×\times length(ind) matrix containing by columns each outlier.


Chen, C. and Liu, Lon-Mu (1993). ‘Joint Estimation of Model Parameters and Outlier Effects in Time Series’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(421), pp. 284-297.

Gómez, V. and Maravall, A. (1996). Programs TRAMO and SEATS. Instructions for the user. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9628.

Kaiser, R., and Maravall, A. (1999). Seasonal Outliers in Time Series. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9915.

See Also

locate.outliers, remove.outliers, tso.


n <- 30
# innovative outlier based on ARMA(3, 2) model
mo <- outliers("IO", 10)
io <- outliers.effects(mo, n, pars = list(arcoefs = c(0.8, -0.6, 0.2), 
  macoefs = c(-0.5, 0.2)))
plot(c(io[], rep(NA, 20)), type = "s", ylim = range(io), 
  ylab = "io", main = "IO based on ARMA(3,2)")
lines(c(rep(NA, 9), io[]))

# innovative outlier based on Airlines model ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)
p1 <- c(1, -1)
p2 <- c(1, rep(0, 3), -1)
p1xp2 <- c(1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1)
p1b <- c(1, -0.6)
p2b <- c(1, rep(0, 3), -0.6)
p2bxp2b <- c(1, -0.6, 0, 0, -0.6, 0.36)
io2 <- outliers.effects(mo, n, pars = list(arcoefs = -p1xp2[-1], 
  macoefs = p2bxp2b[-1]))
plot(c(io2[], rep(NA, 20)), type = "s", ylim = range(io2), 
  main = "IO based on ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)", ylab = "io2")
lines(c(rep(NA, 9), io2[]))

# additive outlier
mo <- outliers("AO", 10)
ao <- outliers.effects(mo, n)
plot(ao, type = "h", main = "AO: additive outlier")

# level shift
mo <- outliers("LS", 10)
ls <- outliers.effects(mo, n)
plot(ls, type = "s", main = "LS: level shift")

# temporary change
mo <- outliers("TC", 10)
tc <- outliers.effects(mo, n)
plot(c(tc[], rep(NA, 20)), type = "s", 
  main = "TC: temporary change", ylab = "tc")
lines(c(rep(NA, 9), tc[]))

# the temporary change with parameter 0.7 is equivalent to 
# an IO for an AR(1) model with coefficient 0.7
mo <- outliers("IO", 10)
io3 <- outliers.effects(mo, n = n, pars = list(arcoefs = c(0.7), macoefs = c(0)))
all.equal(io3, tc, check.attributes=FALSE)

# the temporary change with parameter 0.7 is equivalent to 
# an IO for an AR(1) model with coefficient 0.7
mo <- outliers("IO", 10)
io4 <- outliers.effects(mo, n = n, pars = list(arcoefs = 1, macoefs = 0))
all.equal(io4, ls, check.attributes=FALSE)

# seasonal level shift (quarterly data)
mo <- outliers("SLS", 10)
sls <- outliers.effects(mo, n, freq = 4)
plot(sls, type = "h", main = "SLS: seasonal level shift")

Regressor Variables for the Detection of Outliers


These functions create regressor variables to be used included in the regression where tests for presence will be applied.


outliers.regressors(pars, mo, n, weights = TRUE,
  delta = 0.7, freq = 12)



a list containing the parameters of the model. See details section in locate.outliers.


a data frame defining the type, location and weight of the outliers to be created.


a numeric. The length of the variable that will contain the outlier.


logical. If TRUE, the variables are weighted by the values in column "coefhat" of the data frame mo. Otherwise, unit weights are considered.


a numeric. Parameter of the temporary change type of outlier.


a numeric. The periodicity of the data. Used only for the seasonal level shift, "SLS".


The variables returned by these functions are the regressors that take part in the second equation defined in locate.outliers, (equation (20) in Chen-Liu (1993), equation (3) in the documentat attached to the package).

Regressions are not actually run since the tt-statistics can be obtained more conveniently as indicated in equation (14) in Chen-Liu (1993). These variables are used in function locate.outliers.iloop to adjust the residuals at each iteration.

The function outliers can be used to easily create the input argument mo.


A matrix containing the regressors by columms.


Chen, C. and Liu, Lon-Mu (1993). ‘Joint Estimation of Model Parameters and Outlier Effects in Time Series’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(421), pp. 284-297.

Kaiser, R., and Maravall, A. (1999). Seasonal Outliers in Time Series. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9915.

See Also

locate.outliers, outliers, outliers.tstatistics, tso.


# regression of the residuals from the ARIMA model 
# on the corresponding regressors for three additive outliers
# at the 5% level, the first AO is not significant, the others are significant
y <- log(hicp[["011600"]])
fit <- arima(y, order = c(1, 1, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(2, 0, 2)))
resid <- residuals(fit)
pars <- coefs2poly(fit)
mo <- outliers(rep("AO", 3), c(10, 79, 224))
xreg <- outliers.regressors(pars, mo, length(y))
summary(lm(residuals(fit) ~ 0 + xreg))

Test Statistics for the Significance of Outliers


This function computes the tt-statistics to assess the significance of different types of outliers at every possible time point. The statistics can be based either on an ARIMA model, arima or auto.arima.


outliers.tstatistics(pars, resid, types = c("AO", "LS", "TC"), 
  sigma = NULL, delta = 0.7)



a list containing the parameters of the model. See details section in locate.outliers.


a time series. Residuals of the ARIMA model fitted to the data.


a character vector indicating the types of outliers to be considered.


a numeric or NULL. Standard deviation of residuals.


a numeric. Parameter of the temporary change type of outlier.


Five types of outliers can be considered. By default: "AO" additive outliers, "LS" level shifts, and "TC" temporary changes are selected; "IO" innovative outliers and "SLS" seasonal level shifts can also be selected.

The test statistics are based on the second equation defined in locate.outliers.

These functions are the called by locate.outliers. The approach described in Chen & Liu (1993) is implemented to compute the tt-statistics.

By default (sigma = NULL), the standard deviation of residuals is computed as the mean absolute deviation of resid.


For each function, a two-column matrix is returned. The first column contains the estimate of the coefficients related to the type of outlier and the second column contains the tt-statistics. The value of these statistics for each time point is stored by rows, thus the number of rows is equal to the length of resid.


Chen, C. and Liu, Lon-Mu (1993). ‘Joint Estimation of Model Parameters and Outlier Effects in Time Series’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(421), pp. 284-297.

Gómez, V. and Maravall, A. (1996). Programs TRAMO and SEATS. Instructions for the user. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9628.

Gómez, V. and Taguas, D. (1995). Detección y Corrección Automática de Outliers con TRAMO: Una Aplicación al IPC de Bienes Industriales no Energéticos. Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda. Document number D-95006.

Kaiser, R., and Maravall, A. (1999). Seasonal Outliers in Time Series. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9915.

See Also

locate.outliers, outliers.regressors.


# given an ARIMA model detect potential outliers
# for a critical value equal to 3.5
y <- log(hicp[["011600"]])
fit <- arima(y, order = c(1, 1, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(2, 0, 2)))
resid <- residuals(fit)
pars <- coefs2poly(fit)
tstats <- outliers.tstatistics(pars, resid)
# potential observations affected by an additive outliers
which(abs(tstats[,"AO","tstat"]) > 3.5)
# potential observations affected by a temporary change
which(abs(tstats[,"TC","tstat"]) > 3.5)
# potential observations affected by a level shift
which(abs(tstats[,"LS","tstat"]) > 3.5)

Display Outlier Effects Detected by tsoutliers


This function displays the output from function tso.


## S3 method for class 'tsoutliers'
  args.lines.y = list(col = "gray80"), args.lines.yadj = list(col = "blue"),
  args.lines.effects = list(type = "s", col = "red"),   
  args.points = list(col = "gray80", bg = "red", pch = 21), plot.points = TRUE, 
  args.x.axis = list(at = pretty(time(x$y)), tcl = -0.5, lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1),
  args.y.axis = list(at = pretty(x$y), tcl = -0.5, lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1),
  args.effects.axis = list(at = pretty(x$effects), tcl = -0.5, lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1),



a list of class tsoutliers as returned by tso.


a list. Arguments passed to lines to customize the line displaying the original series.


a list. Arguments passed to lines to customize the line displaying the series adjusted for outliers effects.


a list. Arguments passed to lines to customize the line displaying the for outliers effects.


a list. Arguments passed to lines to customize the points drawn if plot.points = TRUE.


a logical indicating whether the time points of the outliers should be drawn as points over the original series.


a list. Arguments to be passed to axis to customize the x-axis (time).


a list. Arguments to be passed to axis to customize the y-axis for the original series.


a list. Arguments to be passed to axis to customize the y-axis for the outliers effects.


further arguments to be passed to par.


Instead of using the ellipsis, ..., arguments passed to other functions are defined by means of a list. This approach is taken because there may be a single argument name to be used in different parts of the plot with a different value. For example, the argument col can be defined in args.lines.y to indicate the color of the original series, e.g. col = "gray80"; at the same time the color for the adjusted series can be defined in the list argument args.lines.yadj.

For further customizations, the source code of the function can be modified relatively easy. Alternatively, a similar plot can be displayed simply as: plot(cbind(x$y, x$yadj, x$effects), plot.type = "multiple"). In this way, the plot can be fully customized by setting the desired arguments to to plot or to ancillary functions that can be called afterwards.



See Also


Stage II of the Procedure: Discard Outliers


As of version 0.6-6, remove.outliers has been renamed as discard.outliers. discard.outliers should be used.


remove.outliers(x, y, cval = NULL, 
  method = c("en-masse", "bottom-up"), 
  delta = 0.7, = NULL, 
  fdiff = NULL, logfile = NULL)



a list. The output returned by locate.outliers.oloop.


a time series.


a numeric. The critical value to determine the significance of each type of outlier.


a character. The method to discard/remove outliers. See details.


a numeric. Parameter of the temporary change type of outlier.

an optional call object. The call to the function used to fit the time series model.


currently ignored.


a character or NULL. It is the path to the file where tracking information is printed. Ignored if NULL.


A list.

See Also


Automatic Procedure for Detection of Outliers


These functions are the interface to the automatic detection procedure provided in this package.


tso(y, xreg = NULL, cval = NULL, delta = 0.7, 
  types = c("AO", "LS", "TC"), 
  maxit = 1, maxit.iloop = 4, maxit.oloop = 4, cval.reduce = 0.14286, 
  discard.method = c("en-masse", "bottom-up"), discard.cval = NULL, 
  remove.method, remove.cval,
  tsmethod = c("auto.arima", "arima"), 
  args.tsmethod = NULL, logfile = NULL, check.rank = FALSE)

tso0(x, xreg = NULL, cval = 3.5, delta = 0.7, 
  types = c("AO", "LS", "TC"), maxit.iloop = 4, maxit.oloop = 4,
  discard.method = c("en-masse", "bottom-up"), discard.cval = NULL,   
  tsmethod = c("auto.arima", "arima"), args.tsmethod = NULL, 
  logfile = NULL, check.rank = FALSE)



a time series where outliers are to be detected.


a time series object.


an optional matrix of regressors with the same number of rows as y.


a numeric. The critical value to determine the significance of each type of outlier.


a numeric. Parameter of the temporary change type of outlier.


a character vector indicating the type of outlier to be considered by the detection procedure: innovational outliers ("IO"), additive outliers ("AO"), level shifts ("LS"), temporary changes ("TC") and seasonal level shifts ("SLS").


a numeric. The maximum number of iterations.


a numeric. The maximum number of iterations in the inner loop. See locate.outliers.


a numeric. The maximum number of iterations in the outer loop.


a numeric. Factor by which cval is reduced if the procedure is run on the adjusted series, if maxit > 1.


a character. The method used in the second stage of the procedure. See discard.outliers.


a numeric. The critical value to determine the significance of each type of outlier in the second stage of the procedure (discard outliers). By default it is set equal to cval. See details.


deprecated, argument discard.method should be used.


deprecated, argument discard.cval should be used.


a character. The framework for time series modelling. It basically is the name of the function to which the arguments defined in args.tsmethod are referred to.


an optional list containing arguments to be passed to the function invoking the method selected in tsmethod.


a character or NULL. It is the path to the file where tracking information is printed. Ignored if NULL.


logical. If TRUE the regressors are checked for perfect collinearity. The variables related to coefficients that turn out to be NA due to possible perfect collinearity are discarded.


Five types of outliers can be considered. By default: "AO" additive outliers, "LS" level shifts, and "TC" temporary changes are selected; "IO" innovative outliers and "SLS" seasonal level shifts can also be selected.

tso0 is mostly a wrapper function around the functions locate.outliers and discard.outliers.

tso iterates around tso0 first for the original series and then for the adjusted series. The process stops if no additional outliers are found in the current iteration or if maxit iterations are reached.

tso0 is an auxiliar function (it is the workhorse for tso but it is not intended to be called directly by the user, use tso(maxit = 1, ...) instead. tso0 does not check the arguments since they are assumed to be passed already checked by tso; the default value for cval is not based on the sample size. For the time being, tso0 is exported in the NAMESPACE since it is convenient for debugging.

If no value is specified for argument cval a default value based on the sample size is used. Let nn be the number of observations. If n50n \le 50 then cval is set equal to 3.03.0; If n450n \ge 450 then cval is set equal to 4.04.0; otherwise cval is set equal to 3+0.0025(n50)3 + 0.0025 * (n - 50).

If tsmethod is NULL, the following default arguments are used in the function selected in tsmethod: tsmethod = "auto.arima": allowdrift = FALSE, ic = "bic"; tsmethod = "arima" = order = c(0, 1, 1) seasonal = list(order = c(0, 1, 1)).

If args.tsmethod is NULL, the following lists are used by default, respectively for each method: auto.arima: list(allowdrift = FALSE, ic = "bic"); arima: list(order = c(0, 1, 1), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 1, 1))).

xreg must be a matrix with time series attributes, tsp, that must be the same same as tsp(x). Column names are also compulsory. If there is only one regressor it may still have non-null dimension, i.e. it must be a one-column matrix.

The external regressors (if any) should be defined in the argument xreg. However, they may be also defined as an element in args.tsmethod since this list is passed to function that fits the model. The function tso deals with this possibility and returns a warning if "xreg" is defined twice with different values. No checks are done in tso0.

If maxit = 1 the procedure is run only once on the original series. If maxit > 1 the procedure is run iteratively, first for the original series and then for the adjusted series. The critical value used for the adjusted series may be reduced by the factor cval.reduce, equal to 0.142860.14286 by default. The new critical value is defined as cval(1cval.reduce)cval * (1 - cval.reduce).

By default, the same critical value is used in the first stage of the procedure (location of outliers) and in the second stage (discard outliers). Under the framework of structural time series models I noticed that the default critical value based on the sample size is too high, since all the potential outliers located in the first stage were discarded in the second stage (even in simulated series with known location of outliers). In order to investigate this issue, the argument discard.cval has been added. In this way a different critical value can be used in the second stage. Alternatively, the argument discard.cval could be omitted and simply choose a lower critical value, cval, to be used in both stages. However, using the argument discard.cval is more convenient since it avoids locating too many outliers in the first stage. discard.cval is not affected by cval.reduce.


A list of class tsoutliers.


Chen, C. and Liu, Lon-Mu (1993). ‘Joint Estimation of Model Parameters and Outlier Effects in Time Series’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(421), pp. 284-297.

Gómez, V. and Maravall, A. (1996). Programs TRAMO and SEATS. Instructions for the user. Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios. Working paper number 9628.

Gómez, V. and Taguas, D. (1995). Detección y Corrección Automática de Outliers con TRAMO: Una Aplicación al IPC de Bienes Industriales no Energéticos. Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda. Document number D-95006.

See Also

locate.outliers, discard.outliers, plot.tsoutliers, print.tsoutliers.


## Not run: 
tso(y = log(hicp[[1]]))

## End(Not run)